Make Money Online Through A Proven Internet Marketing System

Make Money Online Through A Proven Internet Marketing System
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Isn’t that wonderful, if someone can teach you how to make money online? If you are willing to take action, then I can show you the proven method of make money online right now in this post. No kidding. In this blog post, I am going to share one of the established online marketing methods that can help you to setup a successful online business with minimal investment.

Many people inquired about what I am doing in past few months and today I’ll provide you all the information and how you can also build your own online marketing business that can help you to generate 2nd Income working part time. Of course, a little hardworking is required to succeed but the benefits that you will see later on would overcome your initial hard work.


First of all, if you want to know how to make money in online marketing then you should also need to understand that it’s going to take TIME like any other online business. If you want to know how much time, then right now I can’t answer this question because it depends on many factors but the most significant ones are –

  • What niche you choose for your business?
  • How much time you want to commit daily?
  • The training that you are taken to learn new stuff.
  • Whether your business niche is small (1 -2 Months) or larger (6- 12 Months).

These are some elementary questions which determine the time for you to start making money  online.

What is a Smaller Niche? 

Small niche is like 1-2 months to be profitable. Actually, here’s a training on it called Route To Affiliate Marketing . Click the link to check it out later. Once you take this course, it will take you at least 6 months to a year to really be making consistent money online on a daily basis.

What is a Larger Niche?

Like Health, Wealth, and Food (these are the big 3 that never go out of style), you better be prepared to work 2-5 months before seeing sales and 1 year before you can make consistent income and maybe 2 years before you make the full-time income. Do remember that the time is directly proportional to your efforts and hard work too. If you are someone who is not serious about your business, then these time lines are not meant for you.

Whatever your niche is i.e. small or larger, it always takes a little time for you to get used to working with WordPress and to learn how to build out your site, but it’s not that hard and really easy if you like to learn new things.

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My niche is not specific to just one topic. At Digital Harpreet blog, I do not want to confine myself to just one area. At a broader level, my niche is more related to make money online from a blog/website. But I also share useful information related to tricks & tips for WordPress websites, Genesis theme customizations, Search Engine Optimization and other related topics.

Reason Why I have chosen multiple categories is because “Make Money Online niche is extremely competitive these days. But the good news is – it has a potential to become profitable in the future. What I mean here is that it can take time for you to see earning but your future will be bright if you put your efforts in right direction.

Do remember that when you first build an online business, you need to understand that you can get paid at the same time and at a time again for the same work you did years ago. This is a kind of business where you will see a snowball effect that really can gain momentum as time goes by.

It’s tough at first to believe this fact. At least it was hard for me when I started, but at this point, I believed my site. What I have created is helping other people, and during this time, I have developed a lot of wonderful skills that I now use every day to grow my blog and use it as money making machine.

I hope this information help you to understand what you are getting into. Passive income can happen, believe me, it can really happen and it’s wonderful to get it. But you need to be prepared to learn and take action on what you learn.


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Do you know what is Online Marketing? In simple terms, it is another name for internet marketing, which is nothing but any or combination of following marketing strategies i.e. –

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Network Marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Pay per Click Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Content Marketing

Out of eight strategies list above, there are two main internet marketing strategies that can help you make money online i.e. Affiliate Marketing & Network Marketing.

If you are someone who is interested in Network Marketing, then I am sorry to tell you that you are at wrong place. I am not a big fan of Network Marketing because of couple of good reasons:

  1. I personally feel that It as an over-hyped or scam system. It is basically a multilevel marketing system or pyramid system in which only the top sales people make money while the majority (99%) of the people lose money or break even.
  2. Research shows, the average MLM participant makes less than $500/year. If you are interested in MLM then before you start, I recommend you read this – The 10 Big Lies of Multi-Level Marketing

For all these reasons, I personally don’t believe in Network Marketing System. I won’t cover it anymore in this article.


Yes, Affiliate Marketing is another name of referral marketing. All of us provide reviews/comments of things which we use in day to day life to our family and friends. And if anyone purchases the suggested product then what we get in return? Nothing right?

But how wonderful it would be if you can get a little commission from the seller if your referral purchases a product from them? Affiliate marketing is like this only i.e. getting paid for the referrals. This is one of the best and easy ways for anyone like you and me to get into making money online.

How much does it cost to start doing this? You will not believe this but its “Next to Nothing”. If you are under budget, then you can start this in as low as $5/Month and at max. you will need to spend $70/Month in case you want to use some paid tools. You may increase your investment slowly as you make money later on.

How much money can I make? Frankly speaking, there is no upper limit or I should say – it’s limited to your imagination. Most online marketers I know make anywhere from a couple thousand to 50 thousand dollars per month.

Do you know any business where you can earn this much big in just $5/Month Investment? Do share in comments if you are doing a business where you are getting ROI better than this?

Affiliate Marketing in little More detail –

Affiliate marketing is when you have a website and you affiliate your site with a particular product or products. This could be brand name products you buy every day, educational services, or even digital products. The limit is endless.

Now when someone comes to your site, clicks on the affiliate link or banner and goes on to buy something, you as the website owner make a commission from the transaction. Is that sound like referral marketing to you now? If yes, then you are right. 

Affiliate marketing can also be where you create a digital product (such as an educational course) or a physical product and then sell that product through affiliate marketers. You can be either the affiliate marketer or the affiliate product creator.

What type of affiliate marketing is right for you?

  • Market Your Own Products
  • Selling Affiliate Products

Selling Your Own Products:

If you have an idea of Photography Course or any other course beneficial to others, then selling you own products through affiliate networks would be a path for you.

The cons for this style of online marketing is that you will have a good deal of start-up costs and potential overhead costs if you are marketing a physical product. If you are making a digital product, the overhead cost can be cut down, but you still would have a good amount of expenses in your –

  • Education
  • Video Production
  • Outsourcing of Technical Aspects (graphics, infomercials, copyright, etc)
  • Paid Traffic

Selling Products as an Affiliate:

If you do not want to invest and create your own product just like me and want to sell the stuff of others, traditional affiliate marketing is by far the better way to go.

The first thing that you need to start your affiliate marketing business is a website. Before moving any further in this article, download this step-by-step guide to starting a website/blog.

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Download this e-book to set up a solid looking professional website using the tools I have listed down in it. Because a well-designed website is important to step up a successful online business. Once you have your website up and running then only you can kick start your online income by selling other companies brand name products on your website. Are you following me? Tweet this by saying YES, if this makes any sense to you?

Now once you have a website up and running, based on your niche, you can choose any brand name or products. Products like popular video games, cameras, high-end televisions, DSLR’s, shoes, clothing, computers, jewelry, furniture, apple products, etc.

Almost every mainstream product has an affiliate program that can be joined if your niche fits with that product.

The initial minimum startup costs include –

How to Make Money in Online Marketing?

Before you start anything related to making money online, you need to decide your niche? Now you must have a question – What is a niche?

I must say that this is an overly complicated question. When you search this on Google or elsewhere, many marketing gurus provide you decent amount of information. But even after reading and asking multiple questions to yourself, you may fail to come to a point where you can confidently choose a niche market right for you.

I am trying to make things simple for you here. When looking to build a niche website for profit, take the dollar question out of your mind for now. Instead, think of what makes you happy or what you enjoy doing in life. Think of your hobbies, passion, unique talent, interest, mastery from which other people get some benefit or interest in learning from you.

For example, if you are good gym coach, you may choose that as your niche market and write on that topic. Some of the popular niche market where you can get lots of traffic are health, make money online, fashion & digital marketing. But do remember that high traffic niche is relative to high competition, so it’s up to you to make the wise decision while choosing a niche.

Some more Niche Ideas are –

  • Infant Nutrition, Neck Pain, Crafts, Wood Working, Fishing, Cheer Leading, Health Recipes,
  • Swimming, Tennis, Headphones, Insomnia, Paleo Diet, Mediterranean Diet, Sun Glasses
  • How to lose weight fast, Yoga, Hypertension, Hunting, Camping, Kite Surfing, Adventure Vacations

Do remember that if you can help people within your niche, then only you can make money online – it’s simple. The key is that you have a service or special knowledge that people are looking for. Even if you just have a particular interest in something that you want to learn more about, can turned into a great income producing niche business.

For example, you’re reading this post because you want to know how to make money in online marketing. This is a field I’ve been studying for quite some time now and I know the in’s and out’s of how to make it work. Similarly, there should be people who get some interest in what you are selling or writing about.

The second step is to find the right educational program that will teach you how to:

  • Put up an affiliate marketing website
  • Write quality content try to rank them in search engines like Google (this is Free traffic we’re talking about here)
  • Monetize your website with Affiliate Marketing Programs

You should start with the proven educational method to put you online marketing website/niche website from professional who have been doing this from a long time. When I started doing this, I thought, I can do this on my own but later I realize a need for professional training. You can also get the same training from here. It’s FREE.


The last piece of advice that I would like to give you is that just like any other business, it takes a little time to develop. Don’t go into online marketing thinking that you’ll start making out the big checks right away. Everyone wants to work online and start making money right away. That’s how most online cons prey a fresh online entrepreneur. 

It just doesn’t work like that. How many of you out there went to college or to a technical school? Did you go into the educational program thinking you were going to make money right away? Probably not. Most of us go school just for learning and while learning we all expect to accumulate debt.

But in the online marketing business, you can start making money within a couple of months of learning. And you can continue your education as you grow as an online marketer. This is what becoming new norms these days i.e. learning and earning at the same time instead of accumulating debt.

So give yourself some time and do remember that you will definitely be paid off for your hard work. Just don’t stop working towards your goal and make sure your efforts are in right direction.

If you have any questions related to Affiliate Marketing, please do let me know. I will be more than be happy to help you. If you like this post, please share on Twitter & Facebook.

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