5 Steps to Convert Your Blogging Hobby Into a Job

5 Steps to Convert Your Blogging Hobby Into a Job
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Do you blog? Maybe you chronicle your travelings, report on the issues in your industry, or share your latest fashion learns with the world. Blogging can be a hobby, a mode to build your brand or a line on your resume that can help you claim a job.

But did you know that it can be a duty, more?

While the majority of members of blogs are personal platforms, Technorati approximates that up to 39% of bloggers do it for coin. 🙂

Plus, Hubspot reports that companies are increasingly shifting selling dollars to blogging and social media, developing more opportunities for contractors, freelancers, or full-time staff members to blog for a paycheck.

So how do you go from blogger-on-the-side to blogging for someone else?

Building and depicting your abilities through a personal blog is a significant location to start. And from there, here are the five key points you’ll need to turn your diversion into a job.

1. First of ‘ALL’ – Know Your Blog

If you haven’t already, take inventory of your own blog. What is your niche and demographic? What types of strategies have you used to get your blog recognized? How do you plan and unionize your content? Remaining a record of your own successes as a blogger will assist you marks what you can bring to a company’s approach and how to craft your resume.

Similarly, jot down the areas where you can grow just to show you where to center as you’re improving your blogging skills.

2. Get Noticed –

As you know, blogging isn’t just about writing, it’s also about coming others to read your writing. Right?

Standing out in the blogosphere makes effort, but it’s a key talent company is likely to be go looking for.

So focus on getting your personal blog out there. Network with other bloggers, invited to attend social networks, and attend business or blogger phenomena.

Even if your blog is in the handmade goat cheese mini-niche, if you’re getting acknowledged, you’re doing something right, and that’s a great fib to tell in a job interview. 🙂

3. Write Regularly On Other Blogs

In addition to writing (regularly) for your own blog, substantiate outside credibility by contributing to other blogs and books.

This will not only enhance your writing talents, but it’ll get your call in the blogosphere or contributing to reaching to brand-new contacts.

A slew of blogs take bits of help or guest posts, so start with what you know and branch out. If you write a food blog, see if you can guest job for other meat bloggers, then try pitching a kid-friendly recipe to a family blog.

4. Develop Your Blogging Skills

The excellent blogs have more than real talks. They include high-quality visuals, an appealing layout, creative content, and interactive facets.

So think about the other talents you can bring to the table aside from writing – such as photography, layout, or technical capabilities.

And if you don’t have any more? Pick one and use your own blog to develop it. Try making your own photos instead of using Imaginative Commons-licensed idols, or try your hand at customizing a header. Developing sciences from coding to graphic blueprint to video creation can give you a big enhance over other blogging candidates.

5. Practice, Practice, Practice

Once you’ve beefed up your blogging resume, the process of learning a corporate blogging arrangement isn’t too different from spotting any other brand-new activity, with a couple of objections. First, be considered that “blogger” may not always be in the position title, so make sure to check out communications, commerce, and other related keywords. (A lot of blogging jobs get posted on specialized or writing-oriented sites, so start with ProBloggerMedia Bistro, and Freelance Writing Jobs.)

Next, consider part-time blogging outlooks. Not all companies have the dollars to dedicate a person to a full-time blogger, but that’s OK, especially when you’re starting out. Consider going your feet soaked and some knowledge through a part-time or freelance position.

Finally, make sure your blog is in order (the first thing “the employees ” will do is click that tie-in) and that your cover letter reveals your creativity, affection, and writing prowess. After all, that’s exactly what your future manager is after.

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You May Like To Read:

How to Start a Professional Blog for Profit in 2017. Check this out before you read the article –  Checklist To Start A Blog

Tags: Job Search, Finding a Job, Career Paths, Social Media & Blogging, Blogging, Exploring Career Paths

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