Claim Your Auto SSL And WordPress Setup [Limited Time Deal]

Claim Your Auto SSL And WordPress Setup [Limited Time Deal]
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Hey, Friends! How are you doing? Hope you are utilizing great deals, discounts & offers that I’m regularly posting these days at DigitalHarpreet’s deals section. Today’s offer is how you can get FREE Auto SSL And WordPress Setup on your blog?

Check Out Promo’s & Deals For Bloggers

In Today’s post,  I am going to share something very cool for anyone who wants to create a blog on WordPress platform. If you are new to WordPress, then download this free E-Book:

FREE WordPress E-Book – Start A Blog With Confidence

Today, I have an offer for your that you don’t want to miss. Using this offer, you will be able to launch your blog today & that too in auto-pilot. This is one time not to miss deal for anyone who has been holding themselves to start a new blog.

The biggest reason people stop themselves from starting a blog because setting up the blog sounds like a daunting task. What do you think?

Another reason why most people don’t get started with their own self-hosted blog is because of money. I faced the same challenge, so I know how it feels when you want something to do but money is the constraint.

Well, I can’t help you in getting everything for FREE. But I can help you to get the cheapest web-hosting price at Bluehost (USA) that you won’t get anywhere else on the Internet.

(If you want to compare, please go ahead and see other websites & if you get hosting cheaper anywhere else, just comment below & I will remove this post from my blog). 

Apart from this, I can help you to get FREE Auto SSL And WordPress Setup on your blog. All you need to do is first – 

Signup A Hosting Account Using This Special Link

How to Get Auto SSL And WordPress Setup & Hosting in $2.65/Month

These are the steps that  you need to follow to get “$2.65/Month” Hosting rate from Bluehost as well as Auto SSL And WordPress Setup FREE of cost:

  • Pick the domain name that you want (The first domain name is free)

To Get $2.65/Month Price – Just go ahead and type in your domain name above and search it. Even though you have your own domain and it’s unavailable, just type in it and search! Once you are on Bluehost, just wait for few seconds and then try to close your window. When you do that, Bluehost automatically comes up with its special sign on offer of $2.65/Month. Just grab that offer and move forward. Read this step by step tutorial if you have confusion at point: Bluehost $2.65/Month  

  • After choosing the special sign on offer, pick the hosting package you want (Prime is what I recommend).
  • Fill out the details & pay for hosting account.
  • That’s it!

Once your payment is done, Bluehost WordPress auto installer will Install WordPress blog for you, Also set up the FREE auto SSL so that your new blog is accessible with https:// & it offers more trust to your readers as well as support you to rank much higher in Google & other search engines compared to other websites without SSL.

Create your blog in clicks

Note: Bluehost offers 30 days money back guarantee. So if you don’t like hosting, you can ask them for “no question, complete refund”.

However, I am sure that won’t be required. Also, you have only 7 days from now to take this offer.

This offer is not available elsewhere & will be activated for only those who are signing up with the below special link.

Get your Own Blog in next 10 minutes

This is your final chance to launch your blog. After this, download my WordPress Blog Guide & follow me @DigitalHarpreet to learn about how to improve your blog, drive more traffic & make more money.

Don’t forget to share this with your friends who are interested in setting up a blog. Also, please share this on Facebook, Twitter so that maximum people can use this offer. Thanks for reading and I will see you soon in next blog post. Stay tuned!

Also Read:

  1. Bluehost Product Updates: Free SSL Certificate On All WordPress Downloads
  2. How To Activate Free WordPress SSL Certificate (Bluehost Customers)
  3. InMotion WordPress Hosting Deal

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