How to Add Authors To Your WordPress Blog

How to Add Authors To Your WordPress Blog
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If you want to add authors or new users to your blog then you are at right place. In this blog post, I will show you how you can easily add new roles to your WordPress Blog.

First of all, the good news is that WordPress has its own built-in user management system. This allows you to add authors(users) and different user roles and with different skills on your website. Most importantly, it allows you to add new roles without worrying about the safety of your site. In this blog post, I will show you how you can make this happen on your WordPress blog easily in less than 5 minutes.

How to Add Authors (New Users) To Your WordPress Blog:

There are a couple of ways to add new users on your WordPress site. In first one, you can open your WordPress site for new user registration. The first method will allow anyone to create an account on your website. This method is useful when you want to invite a lot of people to join your site and when you have role based website access for your users. However, if you just want to add authors, then you should add them manually.

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To add a new user on your WordPress site, simply click on Users » Add New and fill out below form:

How to Add Authors To Your WordPress Blog

First of all, enter a  username. Use something which is easy to remember for the user you are adding. A good strategy is to use the first letter of user’s first name with their last name. For example, hsiddhu, hsmith, rsharma, etc.

Next, you need to enter is the user’s email address. You should double check the email address, as users will need this information to reset their passwords, or to receive email notifications later on.

You can enter the first name, last name, and website information. However, these fields are optional and users can edit their profiles to fill in those fields.

The next item in the form is to choose a password. You must use a strong password. You can also use this online strong password generator for this purpose. Below the password fields, you will see a checkbox which you can check to send the password to the user via email. The users will receive their login information on the email address you entered above.

The last option on the page is to choose user role. Each user role comes with different set of capabilities. The subscriber is the least powerful role, and administrator or network admin is the most powerful role. You need to choose a role depending on what tasks a user will be performing on your website.

WordPress User Roles – An Easy Explanation

An administrator is a person who can perform all tasks on your WordPress site. It is highly recommended that you do not assign this role to any user unless you trust them. With administrator user role, a user can install plugins, change themes, delete content, media, and other users including other administrators.

A Contributor is  the one who can just add posts, and edit only their own posts. Users with the contributor user role can write posts but cannot publish them. They cannot edit other user’s posts and cannot access other admin screens like plugins, themes, settings, tools, etc.

Authors Role, if you want to allow someone to not just add posts but also publish them, then add authors user role is perfect for that situation. Users with the author user role can add, edit, and publish their own posts.

Website Editor Role is a user with complete editorial control on your website. Users with the editor user role, can add, edit, publish, delete their own posts as well as posts by all other users as well. They cannot access website settings, plugins, themes, etc.

A subscriber can just maintain their own profile on your site and cannot write posts. It is usually used on sites where users are required to sign in to submit comments or download content.

Managing Users in WordPress

As an administrator, you can add and remove users from your WordPress site at any time. You can also edit a user’s profile at any time and change any information including passwords. Simply click on the Users and edit or delete a user anytime you want.

Manage Users How to Add Authors To Your WordPress Blog

There are many other user roles that you can experiment with the inbuilt wordpress user management system. It is also possible to customize wordpress user management system and create your own customized user roles, add or remove the existing user roles etc. You can also add additional fields to user profiles, add author bio, display author list, add authors social profiles and so on.

I hope this information helped you learn how to add new users and authors to your WordPress site. If you like this information, please don’t forget to share it Twitter & Facebook.

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