5 Content Writing Tips For Bloggers “Go Viral With Dazzling Speed”

5 Content Writing Tips For Bloggers “Go Viral With Dazzling Speed”
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You know what? All it takes is just one blog post to make you successful in the blogging world. YES, you read it right! Just one blog post. What if I give you 5 content writing tips to create viral content that people will love and help you to become successful? And also help you to make $10K to $20K from a single post?

If you seriously want to know my 5 content writing tips, then I just want your 10 minutes. And I’m confident that if you follow these tips in your next blog post, you will yourself see the difference. So are you ready?

So are you ready?

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  1. Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content
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How do I know these so called Content Writing Tips?

Listen, I am very keen to study and learn the strategies that successful bloggers use on their blog. I alway try to understand what make their posts stand out from the crowd and goes viral. I was craving to learn those secret tips.

And Finally, I figured out the secret!

You know, after noticing and studying Google’s #1 blog posts for several weeks, I come up with my own 5 content writing tips/strategies. And I am certain that if you follow them, then you can write a content that people will like and make it viral.

Moreover, these content writing tips/strategies will also help you to generate huge organic traffic to your website from major search engines.

Do remember, It’s 100% possible to write a viral blog post. Keep this in your mind before you go ahead.

The NEW Rulebook for Entrepreneurial Success: How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences & Create Radically Successful Businesses

5 Content Writing Tips For A Blog Post

Make sure you understand and keep them in your mind whenever you write a new blog post.

1. Be Useful –

Do remember that people go crazy for content that can provide them a genuine solution to their problem. Write content that can help people to solve their biggest needs. The more they attach themselves to your post, the more they’ll like it and share frequently.

Must Read: The Story of Ideas That Fly

Here are Some tips to write useful content:

  • Create content that is compelling, easy to read and highly actionable.
  • Be unique. Don’t be the 700th person to write the same blog post, but come up with a different solution (or easier) for people, that actually works.
  • Speak your target audience’s language. The best way to make a connection with people is to speak as if you were just like your readers.

Your blog is the place to showcase your expertise so that people like to put their trust in you and your business. People will use or refer your blog after they fall in love with what you’re writing. And that is exactly what you need to do.

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2. Write Social Media Friendly Posts –

Make your content easy to share for people to share it. See those buttons hanging out beside my content?

See those social media buttons when you hover on every image included in my posts. That’s how you make your content easy to share on social media.

Keeping those social icons close to your image help your visitors to click and share them. This is how you can make your post goes viral.

Content Writing Tips
( I am using SumoMe plugin here as my share buttons + image sharer)

Now your content is useful, easy to read & solves user problems. Now make it easy for them to spread your genius.

Tools I Use: Social sharing plugin + Image sharer(SumoMe)

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3. Easy to Read & Follow

Here’s the thing. You don’t want to bore your readers with cluttered content or with lengthy, going-on-forever text.

You want to make your content easy to read so that people will jump right in and pick up what you’re putting down.

Content Writing Tips

For example, use subheadings for each tip, screenshots, and white space to your advantage. This will keep people interested and engaged with the article and read your entire post. Maybe more than once.

Must Read: Learn how to write high-quality E-books using an easy to follow step-by-step system

4. Optimized For Search Engine

Search Engine Optimization is an important part of writing a viral blog post. Without this, you cannot rank any article on the first page of the Google.

There are few important things that you need to take care while writing a killer SEO friendly article.

Here are few tips that I follow at my blog DigitalHarpreet and I encourage you to follow them when you write a blog post.

Use of Heading Tags

Proper use of <H> tags helps you to maximize the SEO value and user experience of your content. Before I go into details, first let’s take a look at an example of an article that isn’t very well optimized from an SEO or user experience standpoint.

Image 3
So what did you notice?

The above article just has big, massive blocks of text, which is really hard for users to read. What do you think?

Most importantly, the above block of text don’t have any heading tag, sub-headers to break up the content, which is really important because when you first look at an article, you’re kind of go quickly over it & feel it. Right?

Actually, these sub-headers actually stand out and help you to make the content more readable and make it more user-friendly and important for SEO.

Let’s go over the important heading tags, what they are and what they mean.

Heading Tag <H1> –

Your every post should have this <H1> tag. <H1> tag is primarily your second title tag. You’ll have your <META> title tag as the first one, which is the most important.

For better readability and SEO you want this to be same as the title of your post or article. In WordPress, your post title is actually a <H1> tag so you can avoid using this in your body. Make sure to limit this to one per page for properly optimize it for SEO.

Heading tags <H2>, <H3>, <H4> etc. Tags –

If you’re writing in WordPress, you want to make sure you use sub-headers properly.  When you make your title, let’s say you’re writing on “Benefits of ThirstyAffiliate Plugin”. then that by default it turns into an <H1> tag.

<H2> tag is something you use to break up your content and that obviously makes your content more user-friendly. But, you also want to make content SEO-optimize right?

The best way to do this is to include your target keyword in one of your <H2> or <H3> tags, depending on which ones you choose.

This is how you make your content easy for search engines crawlers. When crawlers see the search keywords in your headings tags, they rank your post higher than those who do not have these tags & keywords.

Be The First One

As soon as you hear about something cool that people want to learn, take action immediately. Try to write on it before anyone else does it.

Make sure you keep yourself up to date in your niche. When something new comes out, write about it right away in a way that is useful and compelling. Plus, the older your content gets, the better you show up on the search engines.

Use Of Long Tail Keywords

Do you know what are “Long Tail Keywords?”

Long tail keywords are those three and four keyword phrases which are very, very specific to whatever you are selling or offering. To understand it better, let’s do an exercise – Just go to Google and search for phrase – “Barber Shop”

Content Writing Tips

Now search phrase – “Barber Shop Philadelphia”

Content Writing Tips
You can see from the above example, whenever a customer uses a highly specific search phrase, they tend to be looking for exactly what they are actually going to buy.

And by targeting long tail keywords it will be easier for you to rank higher on Google. Long tail keywords will also help you to make your content go viral more easily and earn more profit from that post.

Here are some tools that you can use to generate long tail keywords.

Google Auto-Complete tool: The auto-suggestion feature of Google search is your first free tool. This is a handy feature from Google, which will allow you to easily find long-tail keywords in any niche.

Google Keyword Planner: Google Keyword Planner gives you a better understanding for finding out long tail keywords

Google Trends: This tool shows you high-volume keywords in your niche…before they show up in the Google Keyword Planner

Amazon Keyword Tool: The Amazon Keyword Tool is a free keyword tool used to find long tail keywords directly from Amazon.

Bing Keyword Tool: The Bing Keyword Tool is a free keyword tool used to find long tail keywords directly from Bing search.

Must Read – SEO 2016 Learn Search Engine Optimization With Smart Internet Marketing Strategies

Create Related Content Regularly

Make sure that when you get success from a post on any topic then do not stop creating related content on the same topic. The more content you create, the more you can add related content links in your article and the more it will become relevant to the search engine.

When search engines crawlers notice related content links in your article, they will rank your article better than others and ultimately help you to improve SEO.

Use Title Keywords in Image Alt Tags 

The ALT text is something which provides alternative information about the image to the users.  But the original purpose of ALT text is to strengthen the relevance of the page topic.

Must Read: Search Engine Optimization All-in-One

Always make sure that the topic term is in the ALT text, usually as part of a long phrase or sentence.

If you want your post image to rank well in Google image search, then keep the ALT text to just what keyword you are targeting. (and of course make sure the page title reflects that term as well).

5. Write Attention Grabbing Headlines

Writing catchy, attention grabbing headlines is the prerequisite for any viral post. Without catchy headlines, no one will open and read it no matter how good it is.

When you write your titles, stay catchy and target people who need to hear about what you have to say. Mastering the art of writing attractive headlines and exciting questions takes time & practice.

Must Read: How To Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines That Pull In More Prospects… More Customers… and More Profits

Keep these tips in minds –

  • Wait until you are finished writing the article to draft the headline. Since you now have a clearer understanding of what the piece is about, you are better prepared to craft a concise wrap-up of the content.
  • Think about what makes this piece of content interesting and worth reading. Make sure that you convey that in the headline.
  • Try to place the most important information or keywords at the beginning of the headline.
  • Perform a Google search on the topic of your article. This serves two purposes. First, you can get inspiration from other writers. Secondly, you can get more ideas to write your own title like how to stand apart from the crowd.

That’s It! These are my 5 content writing tips that will surely help to write great articles. 

I’m 100% positive that if you follow these strategies, you will surely get success pretty soon.

Before I finish, just want to make you aware that there is no guarantee that you’ll be on the first page on Google from day one when you apply these strategies.

But one thing is sure that you will definitely improve your search rankings when you apply these content writing tips. These strategies which will definitely help you to make your post popular and viral on search engines.

Remember, there are many factors for a post to go viral on search engines.  SEO is one of them.

Other factors like your domain age, the quality of the whole site, inbound links, the speed of your site, etc. are other factors which also plays an important role.

So don’t just get lost in the technical stuff too much, but be you, apply some of these content writing tips and watch your blog growing faster than before.

Research Tools to Use:


Make sure your write blog posts well in a way that reflects “who you are” in a compelling and appealing way. Always write from the heart for the right people & provide them awesome solutions to their problems in every post & at the same time keep the search engines in mind.

Remember that blogging can make you an authority in your niche and can boost your income. All these are proven strategies that worked for almost everyone and will work for you as well.

If you like this article, do share this with your friends on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn. I’m sure if you create a copy following these 5 content writing tips then people will love it and share more and more.

If you are already following these strategies then please share your experience with others in the comments section? If this post helps you in any way then do let me know in comments.

One Last Favor – Please Follow me on Pinterest, Twitter & Like my Facebook page for latest updates. Thanks!

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