8 Actionable Tips To Improve Blog Google Search Ranking

8 Actionable Tips To Improve Blog Google Search Ranking
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So, you have finally taken a step forward and started a self-hostedblog of your interest. I’m sure you must be doing pretty good in posting content for your readers regularly and hoping to get some traffic. Right?

And I’m sure you already know that mostorganictraffic comesto your blog from Google Search Engine. Butdoyouknow whatare thebest practicestomake surethat your blog looks good toGoogle?

Here are my 6 Actionable Tipsthat you can use toImprove Blog Google Search Ranking“.

In this post, I’ll be mostly discussing the technique of blogging SEO(search engine optimization) which typically involves certain “on and off-site activities” that encourage or improve blog Google search ranking for your relevant keywords.

I’m not an expert but there are few things I’m using and seeing some great results on my blog. 🙂 So, I just thought to share this with you today!

But before I move forward and share those tips, do you know “How Google SEO works?

Google has developed automatic algorithms that rank your site. They send out what are called “Spiders” to “Crawl” your site and check it for over 100 indicators that determine whether your site is valuable or useless. These indicators include things like backlinks, domain age, traffic, fresh content, etc.

It is an extremely complex field that is constantly changing but there are a few constants that have remained true since the beginning.

What should I do to Improve Blog Google Search Ranking?

So, here you go. Below are my 6 actionable tips for you to improve your blog’s Google search ranking day by day!

1. Add your siteto Webmaster Tools and Analytics

Google Search Ranking Yoast SEO

Head over toWebmaster Toolsand make sure this program and Google Analytics are installed on your blog.

It’s important to do this from day one because Google will provide suggestions on how to improve your appearance in its search engine based on how their robots crawl your site.

If you have not done this yet, then that’s the # 1 priority for you. Visit Google Search Console from here.

Read this – Step by Step tutorial to add a website to Google Search Console formerly know as Google Webmaster Tools –How To Add Your Website To Google Search Console

2.Install the Yoast SEO plugin

Google Search Ranking Yoast SEO

TheYoast SEOplugin for WordPress is a fantastic way to learn about on-site SEO. It uses a “traffic light system” that helps you choose the right keywords, and more by showing you a big green light when you’re doing something right. Yoast is anessential plugin for all WordPress users.

Must Read:How to set up Yoast SEO plugin for your site.

Also Read:Know These Top 5 SEO Myths For Better Blogging SEO

3.Post Original Content Only

Google Search Ranking Content

Google heavily penalizes blogs that either steal contentor just re-hash the ideasand articles found on other blogs without adding anything new. Make sure you are writing (or paying someone to write) new stuff.

Must Read: How to Write Viral Blog Post Content

4.Make sure your blog loads quickly

Google Search Ranking Speed

A fast loading blog is now a big ranking factor for Google. Use a site linkPingdom Toolsto seehow fast your blog is loadingand if it is taking more than one or two seconds then do things like reducing image size, install a caching plugin, and ask your host if there are any adjustments that can be made on their end.

Whatever your blogging goal might be, good site speed is obviously crucial. Slow site speedaffects your SEO and ultimately it affects your site Google Search Ranking.

5. Use different formats to create your content

Google likes to see a blog that uses a variety of different content styles to help users.

Google Search Ranking Content Types

Long form articles that are a mixture of text, photos, infographics, videos, and tools that help solve a problem are some formats that Google likes. This type of content is also more likely to attract links from other sites that may help your site rank higher.

This type of content is also more likely to attract links from other sites that may help your site rank higher.

Read this awesome post from Neil Patel where he is explaining – How to use different content formats to serve content variety to your readers.

6. Write content that provides a solutionto user problems

Google Search Ranking Problems

Google only sends their customers (people searching) to websites that solve problems. If you can create a new tool or provide perspective for an existing problem, you are more likely to rank on Google because it is identified as something useful.

If you can create a new tool or provide perspective for an existing problem, you are more likely to rank on Google because it is identified as something useful.

Read 8 ways to solve your reader’s problem through content marketing.

7. Invest in Blog Security – Migrate Site to HTTPS

Do you thatup to 85% of web visitors abandon browsing a site if it is not secure. I do the same thing when my browserindicates a page “not secure” and this generally happens when the site does not have a valid-SSL certificate installed.

Source: Hubspot

Remember that – SSL is a very important factor for SEO.While the primary purpose of SSL is securing information between the visitor and your website, there are benefits for SEO as well.According to Google Webmaster Trends Analysts Zineb Ait Bahajji, SSL is now part of Google’s search ranking algorithm:

In addition, Google has confirmed that two websites which are otherwise equal in search results, if one has SSL enabled it may receive a slightly rank boost to outweigh the other. As a result, there is a clear SEO benefit to enabling-SSL on your website, and across all your content.

Read More:WordPress Websites and SSL Certificates – Are They Necessary?

I understand that SSL is not cheap and it costs a little investment to keep your website secure. And there is no workaround or alternative for SSL. But its possible to bring down cost using cheap SSL certificates.

For Bluehost Users –How to Activate FREE WordPress SSL Certificate (Bluehost)

Wildcard SSL certificateseems a completely cost-saving solution to secure multiple subdomains as well all wildcard SSL certificates come with unlimited server licenses, so you don’t need to worry if your subdomains are hosted on different servers.

For Bluehost Users –Claim Your Auto SSL and WordPress (Limited Time Deal)

8. Use Keywords That Help You To Rank Higher

Writing quality content that everyone loves would definitely help you get traffic, but stuffing relevant keywords in that content are equally important for better SEO and getting a top spot in Google search ranking.

Whenever you post an article, add your target keywords in the headline, search summary, in the body of the article.The placement of keywords throughout your articles is the most important SEO strategy.

If you struggling in finding right keywords and need help in keyword research, I recommend reading this post which will help you to understand how to do keyword research and write content that can easily rank higher in Google Search results.

Also Read: What To Do If Search Rankings Dropped


When I started, it was really tempting to spend all the time worrying about SEO, Google Ranking instead of blogging.

But what I have learned over the years is that it’s better to keep trying to keep SEO in the back of the mind and emphasize more on finding new and inventive ways to help people. If you can provide the best solution to a user’s problem then your Google ranking will improve over time.

That’s being said, it is also important to use these tips too whenever you post content because these things will surely help you to improve your blog’s Google search ranking sooner rather than later.

I hope you guys have enjoyed reading this post. If you have any suggestion, feedback or idea that can make this post much better then please share in comments below.

And please! Don’t forget to share this on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc. and help others too who are in your network. Thanks!


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